Now that our mid-semester (which isn't that "mid" after all) break is over, I am officially suffering from mid-sem break withdrawals. I guess now we're back to finding it hard to get out of bed and getting to school on time.
Why is it so much easier to wake up early and explore, rather than to wake up and make it on time for that lecture or tutorial? Ugh. So I guess what better way to get over mid-sem withdrawals than to blog about what I did over the break? ..... right? Smart choice.
On the first day of our break, Shona and I made an impromptu decision to head out to see the cherry blossoms at Lilydale, approx 45 min drive out from the city. We were sitting at home, lounging around and lamenting the fact that we really never did get to explore Melbourne as much as we would like to. I was on Facebook checking out the events that I randomly clicked "going" (yes I'm the type that clicks attending but only because I want to keep it in my view juuuust in case I actually want to go), and saw the Cherry Hill Blossom event and just said, "OMG let's go."
The rest they say is history.
1. We didn't have a car. 2. We didn't really want to ask friends since it was sort of a last minute decision to head out. Therefore, we decided to be economical travellers and use public transport instead. We took the train out to Lilydale, which was about 50 mins, and then took a 15 min cab ride to get to the place which was $56 there and back in total.

It was a tiring journey out and we only had 2 packets of pocky biscuits, 2 packets of kiddo biscuits, 2 chocolate bars and water to last us the entire day when we went exploring. #economical, or what? #stayhungrygotravel #wonderlust #anythingfornicephotos
Okay sorry, the hashtags got out of hand. But you know what I mean. Shona and I concluded that heading out of the city the way we did was something that was fun and refreshing at the same time. It may be time-consuming, but with the right company, it works out. I had so much fun exploring and soaking up the atmosphere and scenery, I barely checked for the time. Given that there was shitty reception as well, all the more it made us live in the moment and not constantly be living behind our phone screens. (Tech detox is a real thing, y'all)

I also decided to play around while editing the photos, trying to see how I can make these photos look more "moody" with more "feel", I honestly hope it looks okay! I'm still a noob at editing photos, but one step at a time, right? Though I must say, filters really do help with enhancing the mood of a photo. Mindblown.

(I took waaaay too many closed-eye shots)
(1. The sun was killing my eyes 2. I was afraid to look at the 128193 bees buzzing around my head)

Overall, I thought the visit to CherryHill Orchid was worth it. From the long travel time to the hunger pangs we tolerated because we didn't want to get there when it was closing. I wouldn't mind doing it all over again. (Okay, but I'll be sure to pack more snacks instead hehe)
Too many times we get comfortable in the places that we are familiar with, and even though I've said countless of times that I'm the type that is always ready to get up and go out to explore, I'm not. I definitely get too comfortable lazing around the house or sticking to boring routines, that the thought of getting out and doing something different might require a bit more effort, which is something that I initially wasn't down for. However, this trip out of the city reminded me again why getting out there is something that I thoroughly enjoy. This trip out was spontaneous, it was a rash decision made with promise to wake up by 8 am to catch the train out (We caught the train only at 12 noon but it's okay, A for effort).
I got reminded again about the thrill of traveling and just having a different view for your eyes to feast on, is something that is sort of therapeutic and calming all at the same time. I'm not sure if there is any better way to put it.
Anyway, there's going to be a few posts about spring break 2k15, because, Tulip festival and Perth all happened as well. I thought it would be a good thing to write about them, so I can look back and recall the amount of fun I had :-)
Can't wait to fill this space up with more words and pictures!
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