Monday, May 4, 2015

F A B F R I D A Y S #1

So this idea has been stuck at the back of my mind ever since the semester started, but I just never got around to doing it because a) I honestly think my Fridays aren't that interesting b) my camera is about 3 years old and the quality is quite shitty, as you can tell from the video above c) The last time I properly held a camera and spoke in front of it was also about 3 years ago. 

And then one day, I decided I was just going to screw all these excuses and just try. It's probably a meek start to the series, I apologize for the awkwardness and crappy editing skills. But hey, at least I managed to post it up on youtube! A right start in the right direction. 

On another note, 2 weeks ago was pretty rough for me and I finally found enough courage to finally book an appointment with the University's counsellor. I don't know if I'm doing the right thing by sharing about this over here on such a public space, but I guess ultimately this blog is to serve the purpose of tracking my own progress throughout the whole year. 

Wanting to see a counsellor was something that I wanted to do for about a year now, but just never dared to, or somehow managed to convince myself that I don't really need to (which I'm trying to do so now, 1 hour before my appointment, lol.) ((I'm still going to make it)) 

I woke up late today, the sky was covered with different shades of grey clouds and the trees were swaying crazily because of the tornado-like wind. I thought to myself that its such a gloomy day,  I didn't really want to go see someone to talk about all my issues and make the day even gloomier than it already is. 

But now, 1 hour before my appointment,  the sun is out and the trees stopped moving so vigourously. I stepped out onto the balcony at home and took a deep breath of the fresh air (I've always liked the after-rain smell). I think I'm ready. 

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