Guys, I'm honestly trying.
This whole taking out your camera to document everything you do is so hard. Especially when trying to hold a camera to your face and speak about things in public. It must really take a whole bunch of self-confidence and a bit of the IDGAF attitude to do it like how those vloggers do it.
Either way, I managed to churn out the second installment for this series, and I'm glad. My friday started off with a stayover at Jean's place (as seen above), where Jean and Joanne were busy baking a cake from scratch for Joanne's sister. It is always exciting seeing young people work so fervently, doing things that they truly believe in.
We had brunch, and we then went to law to study for a bit. Afterwards, I also went to OCF - where they were doing a sum up for this semesters' bible study topic: Ezra. It's probably my second time there this semester, but I guess I still managed to learn quite a bit during my short time attending. Tim also led worship that night. From hearing him belt Tswift songs down the stairs back in Palmerston house 3 years ago, to seeing him control the stage, it really shows how much he has matured and it makes me so proud.
The night just got better because I had one of the best conversations that I haven't had in a really long time. Kai and I spent 4 hours just talking about life, perceptions, and discussing how children can't run away from the fact that they are a shadow of what their parents are, or lack thereof. We chatted about therapy, mental illnesses, our stories, our friends' stories, and the obstacles that people go through that shape them into the person that they are. It was so enlightening and it has been a really long time since I've had these meaningful conversations with a friend. She has taught me so much through her stories, her principles in life and her strong beliefs in certain issues. Truly so thankful to have gotten closer to Kai this semester.
So, that's the summary of what went down this Friday.
It's going to be another tiring week, working towards my final 2k word essay that's due in 2 weeks and catching up with my schoolwork - which I'm already lagging behind in. Hopefully I'll be able to squeeze in another post the coming week!

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